Follow the tracks that climate change has left throughout Earth’s history: from its natural causes to man-made climate change and its possible future. Trace Earth’s unique features and the major role that mankind has played in its history. Discover how scientists unravel climate development in geological history. Learn the key facts about contemporary climate change and observe the impact it has on the regions of the world and the people who live there.
What do these man-made changes tell us? Take the time to think about the significance of this huge topic in our science centre.

Mankind, Earth
and the climate

Mankind as
a climate factor
Since the formation of Earth more than four billion years ago, the climate has been subject to constant change. Natural processes spanning millions of years, such as continental drift, changes in Earth’s orbit and fluctuating solar radiation, influence the climate.
Explore the history of our planet in the science centre – the changes between glacial and interglacial geological eras. Become a scientist: examine fossils, ice cores and tree rings, and discover the secrets that these natural archives hold, as well as the history of global climate to date.
How could mankind begin to influence Earth’s climate? Discover the incredible amount of energy held in coal and how it has changed our lives and culture for more than 200 years. How does our thirst for energy affect the atmosphere and thus the global climate?
We all live on Earth. The blue planet’s unique atmosphere and its oceans are the basis of all life. The ability to make fire has given mankind a special status on Earth. Every culture and religion has concerned itself with the role that mankind should play in world affairs. Listen to the diverse voices of mankind.
Every single one of us is part of this planet and hence responsible for how we interact with our natural environment.
Nature, with its climate events and weather patterns, has always fascinated mankind, but also raised many questions. Interpreting nature’s signs, examining the past to be prepared for the future, is important to every culture and civilisation. A great deal of information has to be collected repeatedly in order to fully understand the Earth system and its climate zones.

Travel stations
in 2050

Hardly a week goes by without news on climate change in the media. What do these headlines mean? What consequences can mankind expect? What would happen if we were to carry on as usual?
These are the questions that scientists are tirelessly seeking to answer. Learn about the latest research on the climate, global warming and climate protection. We will also show you the most important findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Have a look at the year 2050. How will the people of Niger, Samoa or Alaska, whom you met on your journey, live then?